
EPRALIMA_Vocational School is a Private and Cooperative School, situated in the north of Portugal, in the District of Viana do Castelo and in the Minho Lima Region, more specifically Arcos de Valdevez, Ponte da Barca and Ponte de Lima. Epralima focuses on vocational education, while offering Youth Education and Training Courses, Adult Education and Training Courses, and Specialized Technological Level V Courses. Epralima prepares young people and adults for the exercise of qualified professions, by developing mechanisms that create closer ties between schools and economic institutions. EPRALIMA also has an extensive experience in transnational and communitarian projects.

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CESUR (Centro Superior de Formación Europa Sur) is one of the main components of Grupo Coremsa, a holding of VET providers with more than 25 years of experience in vocational education and training geared towards employment. Nowdays, CESUR is made of 18 different VET centers all around the country (Málaga, Seville, Murcia, Badajoz, Madrid, Zaragoza, Cáceres and Canary Islands). We offer more than 120 formal training courses accredited by the Spanish Ministry of Education and we have more than 6500 students.

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Unione Italiana Lotta alla Distrofia Muscolare – Sezione di Saviano (– Italian Union For the fight against Muscolar Distrophy) is a voluntary association founded in 1994 with the aim of pursuing the full integration of people with disabilities. The Association has around 9,000 members and is present throughout the country with 66 Provincial Branch that carry out extensive social work and extensive medical and rehabilitative care, managing in some cases ambulatory rehabilitation, prevention and research centers, in close collaboration with University and socio-sanitary structures. UILDM Saviano is one of the 66 provincial branches and is therefore within a huge network that covers the entire national territory.

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DAFNI KEK is certified LLL-Center that develops its activities in connection to the local needs and challenges, since 1996. DAFNI KEK participates in various Calls in favor of Adult Learning by responding to National and European Funding frameworks. We are in constant cooperation with the broader Community of Educators, as also with the (Life and Job) Counselors by understanding (their) training needs especially working with disadvantaged groups and planning training opportunities locally or in European level for their professional evolution. Intercultural communication and Diversity awareness consist the focus of our learning interventions by bringing in contact groups and individuals from the broader community.

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E-Seniors is a non-profit non-governmental organization, founded in 2005 by Monique Epstein, the general manager of the association. E-Seniors aims at fighting e-exclusion by offering ICT training to seniors (people aged 55 and over). Its main objectives are to bridge the digital gap between generations, to foster seniors’ social participation and to propose activities encouraging seniors to spend actively their free time.

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We believe that education is not just a matter of age or social status. We actively support research. We are open-minded and dedicated to influencing the lives of people around us. We have been creating a smarter world since 1919. We think in context We examine individual fields of study from multiple angles 9 faculties, 1,400 fields of study and their combinations, an almost unlimited course offer. What is Masaryk University like? Multidisciplinary. Explore the study offer. Specialize, experiment and discover new challenges.

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